Monday, May 13, 2019

Hope House Transformation Story

The house we bought and renovated with 
our refugee family in mind.

Life DTS from Edmonton blesses Three Hills Victory

The discipleship training school did an outreach at our church 
brining our church property into shape and blessing elderly 
people with yard work. 

Sunday service, opener with the kids

Pot bless afterwards 

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Javid Family Arrived

Picking up of the Javid family at the airport. 
For years we where waiting for this moment. 
It took close to 4 years to bring our refugee family into Canada. 
Arrival in Three Hills
Celebration at the Victory Church

Thursday, May 24, 2018

LIFE DTS Edmonton

The LIFE DTS = Life discipleship training school from the 
Edmonton Victory Church came to bless us with 8 willing 
hands to do almost anything we asked them for. They painted 
several walls in the church, made acoustic panels, cleaned the 
church, did lots of yard-work at the day care centre 
and where leading our Sunday celebration. 
Thanks to the LIFE DTS 😀👍.

Having fun at the bowling alley. 

Thursday, November 2, 2017

November 5th Special Guest Rodzilla

We are excited to announce our guest Rodzillia. This 
Sunday at our 10:00 a.m. Sunday Celebration.